Monday, February 15, 2010

Help me Wilford Brimley, you're my only hope...

Yet another overdue post! Almost every weekend we make pancakes for breakfast on either Saturday or Sunday (or sometimes both). Typically Justin would make them and then get everybody else up with the delicious promise of pancakes. At the beginning of this year, I started doing the making because I was up first most often. I started always doing chocolate chip pancakes, because they are AWESOME. Nothing too special, just throw some chips into the batter when they are cooking and you get you delicious chocolate chip pancakes.

A couple of weeks ago while eating pancakes, we had the idea of making chocolate pancakes instead.  Just make the batter with some coco powder and extra sugar; should be delicious, right?  Well, that night over dinner we came back to the idea of chocolate pancakes.

 But we kept adding on.  First we said to add chocolate chips, too!  Then it was lets have hot cocoa while eating our pancakes.  Then the pinacle.... lets use Hershey's Chocolate Syrup instead of normal pancake syrup!

It was here that we coined the term, "Diabetuscakes."  Yes, I know the spelling is wrong (if there is a correct spelling of that).  It is made to be pronounced like Wilford Brimley, 'diabetus.'  On the morning of the Diabetuscakes, we invited Mihir over, as we KNOW he has a sweet tooth.

The few pictures here show the cooking process.  Conor, Mihir, and I all felt a crazy sugar high almost immediately after consuming the glorious-glorious diabetuscakes.  Justin, however, did not get hit until 10 hours later.  And then he couldn't stop shakin/moving.  It was a wonderful day, but one that does not need to be repeated any time soon.  More pics here.

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