Sunday, January 31, 2010

Next time with chloroform

This post is long overdue, but I finally had time to put it out there. Back on 8 Jan, it was Justin's birthday. So Conor and I started thinking of what we should do. Should we invite people over, should we go out to dinner, should we do nothing to give him a slap in the face? Eventually we came up with the plan of kidnapping Justin and taking him out to dinner. We hashed our plan during the day and got ready to act in the evening.

Justin was at home playing video games on the couch, so he was plenty distracted. Once we got home, we gathered up a pillow case and Carol's Walmart bag with a drawstring. Then get got some of my 550 cord. We went upstairs and got ourselves situated. Carol stood to the side to capture the events with her new camera. Conor and I placed the bags over his head and tried to cinch them shut. Unfortunately, Justin was really into his game and just thought we were messing with him. He put up quite the struggle, but eventually we got him to cooperate (for future reference we need to remember to use chloroform). We bound his hands with the cord and put the bags back over his head.

Conor and I then proceeded to pick up Justin and carry him down the stairs and outside. He still didn't know what was up, so naturally he threatened us with his knife if we dared to throw him into the snow in the front lawn. Another reminder for the future, ducktape the mouth so that they can't talk.

After taking him outside, we placed him in the trunk of my car. Yet another bonus for driving my Saab hatchback, TONS of trunk space and VERY easy access :). We had planned to drive a roundabout way, but we were late due to the struggle so we had to drive directly there. It wound up not mattering because Justin said he was lost after the first turn. We drove to Outback where we treated him to a birthday dinner. After dinner, we headed back to the house where we were joined by Julia, Monica, and Kevin. Pictures of the entire evening can be found here.
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