Saturday, January 2, 2010

Duckpin Bowling

Had an awesome time at home with the family. On Monday, Carol came down to join us for the remainder of the week. On Tuesday, Caitlin, Rogue, Dad, Carol, and I all went Duckpin Bowling at Severna Park Lanes. As my dad says, "Duckpin Bowling is second only to Candlepin Bowling in terms of hilarity."

We had a blast, and like all family fun sports, rampant cheating was encouraged. This time, in the form of using the gutter bumpers. However, we did find out that having the bumpers up does NOT 100% prevent gutter balls! It IS possible to sneak the ball between the end of the bumper and the last side pin and into the gutter (Additionally, you can be like the kids in the lane next to us and bowl the ball into the gutter right from the start).


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