Wednesday, January 6, 2010


There it is! May not look like much, but that box was completely filled with stuff when I moved out of the old place. It has just been sitting filled to the brim with crap. I FINALLY got around to sorting through it. Wouldn't you know it, much of it gets recycled. Much of it is from stuff I don't even HAVE anymore (at least not here with me). So the good news is that box is cleaned up. Bad news, now my desk has crap all over it again. Nothing too bad, I just need to figure out exactly where I am going to put some of this stuff.

On the plus side, I found my binder of instruction manuals and the like. So I organized the loose manuals and info that I had. But that binder is overfilled. So, time to get a new binder. In fact, I think I will get a big binder for my personal stuff, and then use the old binder for the house stuff (windows, dishwasher, etc).

Also found a bunch of stuff that goes into the office on campus (course notes, books, etc.), so that will be nice to get out of my room. There is still some stuff where I don't know where it is. Stuff I remember having, but so far I haven't come across in the organization process.

Some more cleaning and organization is in order in the coming days/weeks... but also of importance is picking a paint color. Once I have that, I can then paint the room. Then, it will really begin to feel like MY room!!!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Noooo, not more crap on the desk! Good job on the empty box though. :)